My Favourite Video Food Bloggers
7:12 AMHere is a list of my favourite food bloggers that my wife and I enjoy watching (most of the time). Please feel to give suggestions.
Mark Wiens -
- This is as a full time job as a video food bloggers
- Got a very large mouth and loves eating everything with chills (disagree with this principle)
- If the food is tasty, he leans right and blinks his eyes many times (more blinks = very tasty food)
- His wife is his video captures the videos for him and mostly eats last after finished filming (this is our theory)
- Masters student studying in China who has advance Mandarin language skills
- visits many food restaurants around Asia
- He did have a few bad experiences with food poisoning
- Canadian!
- A married hip Canadian couple that originally went to Korea to teach English
- They have fully turned to full time food blogging and video recording
- Very entertaining and funny (Wife disagrees)
- Currently living in Japan and used to live in Korea
- Rank 1 competitive eater in MLE (Major League Eating)
- Its crazy how this guy can eat so much food in one sitting ...